Published: Tuesday, 4 March 2025

A partnership that offers electric cargo bike deliveries for businesses is being extended for a further year, following support from Oxford City Council.

In March 2024, Oxford City Council and Velocity Cycle Couriers launched a 12-week trial offering same-day and next-day zero-emission deliveries by electric cargo bike for Oxford businesses to destinations within the ring road. 

The trial was extended twice, following successful feedback from businesses participating in the scheme. Now, the Council is extending the partnership for a year until 28 February 2026. 

Under the partnership, businesses can book deliveries to be carried out by a Velocity rider using the dedicated Oxford’s Covered Market e-cargo bike, supported by Velocity’s fleet of e-cargo bikes. 

Oxford City Council subsidises 50% of each delivery, with participating businesses paying the remaining cost. This subsidy has allowed the partnership to continue for as long as possible, enabling businesses to explore zero emission deliveries for longer. 

Funding for the extended partnership has come from an air quality grant, helping to support businesses with zero emission deliveries.  

Supporting zero emission deliveries 

The road transport sector is the largest contributor of NOX emissions in the city, accounting for 32% of total NOX emissions in Oxford. 

This electric cargo bike partnership aims to support businesses as they explore how they can move towards zero-emission deliveries. 

Since its launch, the partnership has made around 2236 deliveries within the Oxford ring road covering approximately 6259 miles, and supporting 27 businesses. In total, the initiative is estimated to have saved an estimated 1650 tons of carbon.    

 Participating businesses includes:  

  1. Truck Store  
  2. MacSimple 
  3. Oxford Mutual Aid 
  4. Hamblin Bakery 
  5. Iscream 
  6. Wicked Chocolate,  
  7. Oxford Cheese 
  8. Oxford Soap Company  
  9. Market Garden  
  10. Jemini 
  11. Gulp Fiction  
  12. Blue Blood  
  13. Oxunboxed  
  14. Woolhound 
  15. Market Cellar Door  
  16. Hamblin Kiosk 
  17. YOU Underwear  
  18. Nothing 
  19. Oxford Sandwich Company  
  20. Market Tap  
  21. David John  
  22. Walters 
  23. Taylors  
  24. Hoyles 
  25. Fresh Connection 
  26. Objects of Use 
  27. Scriptum 

Businesses that want to take part in the partnership can contact Velocity at or by calling Velocity on 01865 249 854. 

“I am delighted that we are extending this partnership for another year, allowing us to continue to support local businesses, reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. We encourage more businesses to join us in this journey towards a greener, cleaner Oxford!” 

Anna Railton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford, Oxford City Council

"After delivering Oxford City Council's pilot for 12 months, we are delighted that so many businesses and traders have reaped the benefits of the council's subsidised scheme to encourage zero emission deliveries. Our e-cargo bike deliveries have generated more than 1650 KgCo2e of carbon savings; they've reduced congestion within the ring road and have contributed to better conditions in the city centre for pedestrians and cyclists. We're looking to bring more businesses into the scheme to offer them fast, reliable and sustainable deliveries while improving air quality and reducing pollution across our city." 

Jake Swinhoe, Director, Velocity Cycle Couriers

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