Published: Friday, 14 March 2025

Oxford City Council is inviting residents, businesses and other organisations to share their views by taking a survey on key development issues as it prepares its new Local Plan.

The Local Plan 2042 will guide all planning decisions in Oxford for the next 17 years. It will set out how and where housing can be built, support fair economic growth and protect the city’s unique heritage, culture and environment. 

As part of its preparation the Council is reviewing all consultation material, background studies and evidence underpinning its work to date.  

The purpose of this early engagement is to ensure the Council drafts policies in step with views on the following key issues: 

  • prioritising the delivery of homes, especially social housing and key worker housing 

  • allowing homes to be built on land now used for employment, like offices and business areas 

  • addressing climate change and flood risk, protecting new buildings from their impact 

  • requiring low-carbon and environmentally friendly buildings with standards going beyond national requirements 

  • prioritising the preservation of Oxford’s heritage, its cultural events and community and entertainment venues 

  • promoting good design of new buildings 

The Council will hold two rounds of statutory public consultation later this year as it finalises the plan before examination by the Planning Inspectorate in 2026. 

Take part  

The early engagement survey will be open for six weeks on the Council’s consultation website from Monday 17 March. 


“We’re working on our new Local Plan and we want to make sure our priorities are still relevant for people, businesses and other organisations in Oxford. That’s why we’re carrying out an early engagement survey now, ahead of statutory consultation later this year. 

“Help us shape the future of our city – come and have your say on our consultation website.” 

Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning

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