Published: Friday, 3 November 2023

Oxford City Council has joined forces with Match My Project, to launch a “matchmaking” platform for businesses and charitable organisations looking to partner up and do good in the city.

Match My Project Oxford is an easy-to-use online social value platform that helps community projects, businesses, and suppliers connect and find ways to support each other.  

Businesses and organisations can sign up for free and start looking for matches now. 

About Match My Project 

On Match My Project Oxford, community projects will be able to post resource requests for anything they need – for example, design advice for the redevelopment of a building, a set of laptops, funding, or expert advice to draw up a business plan – and businesses can offer to fulfil them then claim as delivered social value on council contracts.  

Alternatively, businesses can post offers of resources, skills and training that they have available, which community organisations, schools or colleges can then request. 

The Council will act as mediator and “matcher” by facilitating the website and promoting it to suppliers, charitable organisations and business networks in the city.  

Match My Project was developed in 2021 and is currently being used by nine contracting authorities across England. To date, the authorities – councils and housing associations – have seen 262 projects supported, with over 700 businesses and community organisations registered on the platform. 

Supporting a fairer economy  

Oxford City Council is committed to making Oxford’s economy fairer for everyone.  

One of the ways the Council does this is by including a ‘social value’ weighting in its procurement process. This means that the money it spends on goods or services is reinvested in the local economy.  

Suppliers to the Council can demonstrate they are doing good and supporting the local economy by using locally sourced materials, paying the Oxford Living Wage, supporting local charities or organisations, or offering apprenticeships or other training opportunities. By demonstrating how they contribute positively to the city, suppliers and potential suppliers may score more highly in the procurement process.  

Match My Project Oxford will contribute to the Council’s goal of making the city’s economy fairer by making it easier for businesses to support local people and services.  

Find out more 

Match My Project Oxford is not limited to City Council suppliers. Any Oxford business looking to do good can sign up to the platform and match with local projects.   

If you are interested in how this platform could help your business or organisation, then please join the online launch event hosted by the Council and Match My Project at 2pm on 7 November.


“Oxford City Council is committed to making the city’s economy fairer for everyone, but we can’t do that alone. 

“Match My Project Oxford is a great way for local businesses to help us do this. By partnering with local community and charitable organisations, they can directly support local residents and reinvest money back into the city’s economy.

“I am looking forward to seeing the many great matches and projects that come out of it.”

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council and Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy and Partnerships

“We're delighted to be working with Oxford City Council, its local community partners and businesses.

“There's a long history of innovation in Oxford. It's therefore no surprise to see the Council extend that approach and mindset to the way they do Social Value.

“We've long held the view there is untapped innovation in the local community sector. It has a deep understanding of local civic challenges. It is directly plugged into the local networks.  It is often best placed to problem solve - but for a lack of capacity.

“Match My Project removes this barrier. Our platform makes it easy for businesses to support community organisations that are themselves helping local people and delivering local, place-based outcomes. And we ensure businesses that do pitch in, get recognised across our networks for their good work. We're looking forward to getting going.”

Dan Ebanks, Founder of Match My Project

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