Published: Friday, 28 July 2023

If taking the family away this summer isn’t in the budget, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy great holiday experiences in Oxford without spending money.

Oxford is a really green city, we have over 900 acres of nature reserves as well as local parks and playgrounds. You could enjoy a nature trail, meet friends for a picnic, cycle the canal tow paths, fly a kite, take a football or a Frisbee to the park for a free day in the sunshine.

On a rainy day, there are museums and galleries to spark your children’s curiosity. The history of science museum will take you on a global journey of scientific discoveries; the award winning Pitt Rivers Museum is a brilliant space packed with unusual things, from a totem pole to a straw raincoat; the Museum of Oxford tells the story of the city, with interactive displays and events; the Ashmolean gives you a tour of the world’s art and sculpture through the ages; there’s the Museum of Natural History, the Story MuseumModern Art Oxford and more.

You can take a peek into some of the Oxford colleges for free. These colleges were built by local craftsmen and labourers, and still employ hundreds of Oxford locals to keep them running. Why not step into one of these hidden worlds.

If you’re looking for something more active, Oxford has four skate parks in Blackbird Leys, Barton, East Oxford and Cutteslowe. There are park fit trails, with free outdoor gym equipment and running routes. There’s free swimming for all under-17s who live in the city at our public leisure centres. You can get discounted leisure centre sessions and membership if you’re on benefits, through YouMove or our Bonus Card offer.

If you’re looking for supervised sessions for your children in the week, there are holiday activity sessions from our partners around the city and our Youth Ambition team.

You don’t need to spend money to enjoy Oxford, why not explore the city and make your summer special.

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