Published: Monday, 17 July 2023

Oxford City Council has won a planning appeal banning the use of a property for short let accommodation.

On 7 July last year, the council issued a planning enforcement notice against the owner of a property in William Street being used as a short let. This followed a complaint from a member of the public that they were experiencing antisocial behaviour and nuisance from the property.

The owner appealed to the Planning Inspectorate, which has now dismissed the appeal and required the owner to stop using the property as a short let from 12 August.

The problem of short lets

The rise of websites like Airbnb and Vrbo has led to a rapid increase in the number of short lets in Oxford in the last decade.

There are currently 1,325 short lets in Oxford, with 765 (58%) of these let as entire properties.

The increase in renting out entire properties for most or all of the year has resulted in the loss of valuable homes in one of the most unaffordable places for housing in the UK.

In the worst cases, short lets have been used for illegal or antisocial purposes. Short lets are often in quiet residential neighbourhoods and the strain this causes can be immense.

The short let sector is virtually unregulated. This means the council has little power to enforce standards it requires for other rented accommodation.

It is also difficult to tackle issues like antisocial behaviour and nuisance when there is a stream of different people using a property,

The council has taken successful planning enforcement action in a number of cases for changing the use of a house into holiday accommodation without planning permission.

However, this is a lengthy process which relies on people making complaints about particular properties.

Is regulation on the way?

Since 2018, the council has repeatedly lobbied government for powers to put whole house short lets on a level playing field with other privately rented and commercial tourist accommodation.

There are promising signs that change may be on the way.

Earlier this year, government held two separate consultations on a potential registration scheme and a new planning use class for short lets.

In its response, the council repeated its call for a mandatory registration licensing scheme for whole house short lets, run and enforceable by councils.

Mandatory registration would ensure owners meet minimum safety standards. It would make investigating complaints significantly easier and allow the council to set its own conditions to address local needs or concerns – such as restricting noise levels at night or littering.

In extreme cases, it would provide the council with wider and easier-to-use powers to take action against the illegal use of short lets.

The council also agreed with the proposal to introduce a new planning class for homes rented out as short lets for more than 30 days a year. It also said that owners should not have automatic permission to change a family home to a short let.

The introduction of a new planning class for short lets would allow the council to restrict their numbers and location and for enforceable conditions to be applied where necessary.

This would help prevent the loss of much-needed housing and reduce adverse impacts on local communities.


“I’m really pleased that the Planning Inspectorate has found in our favour and banned the use of the property in William Street as a short let. But it’s been a lengthy process and once again it demonstrates that the current system is not fit for purpose when dealing with problems caused by whole house short lets.

“We live in one the least affordable places for housing in the UK. There are nearly 800 properties let out entirely as short lets in Oxford and we need those for people to live in and not as holiday accommodation. At the same time, antisocial and illegal behaviour by people using short lets causes misery in our communities.

“We want a mandatory registration scheme and reforms to the planning system making it easier to deal with the problems caused by short lets. Recent government consultations give me hope that change may be on its way, and not a minute too soon. Oxford needs this.”

Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing

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