Published: Friday, 4 August 2023

Oxford City Council has arranged a drop in session to answer questions about the proposed repair work plans to the Gasworks Pipe Bridge.

The session is open to everyone and will take place at Grandpont Pavilion, Whitehouse Road, OX1 4QH on Thursday 10 August from 10am to 7pm.

This will be a chance to ask questions and find out about the latest plans to bring the bridge back into full use and restore it as well-used pedestrian and cycle route across the Thames into the centre of Oxford.

The City Council wants to make sure that the public are kept informed of the proposed works to this iconic bridge in the city centre. The closure in 2021 has caused very substantial inconvenience, and the re-opening cannot come soon enough. The drop in session will provide information about:

  • the use of public space for site and materials compound locations
  • footpath diversions for works
  • the work being undertaken
  • the work programme and what happens next

It will also be an opportunity to meet the project team and ask questions.

The venue has been chosen as it is easily accessible and close to the area most affected by the bridge closure.

“We all want the Gasworks Pipe Bridge to be reopened as soon as possible. Understandably, there is a good deal of frustration at the length of time this has taken, although we know people appreciate that the project being undertaken safely and successfully is crucial.

“I want to invite anyone who has questions about the bridge works to come along to this meeting to get the answers.”

Councillor Ed Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management

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