Published: Thursday, 3 August 2023

Oxford City Council is encouraging electric blanket owners to prepare for colder weather by getting their blankets tested for free.

The council’s Home Improvement Agency (HIA) is teaming up with Oxfordshire County Council Trading Standards and Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service to provide testing and highlight the dangers associated with faulty blankets.

Book ahead for free testing in Oxford

Testing will take place on Monday 18 September at Rose Hill Community Centre and on Monday 2 October at Slade Fire Station. Both sessions will run from 9 am to 1 pm.

Free testing is popular and places are limited. People who want a test need to pre-book by calling 01865 895999 or emailing

Both events will have information stands, free refreshments and advisers on hand to talk to people while they wait. Participants will include:

Move Together will also be running a free physical activity session.

Dangerous electric blankets

Last year 627 electric blankets were tested across Oxfordshire and 29% failed to meet safety standards, making them a potential fire risk.

Warning signs an electric blanket may be unsafe include fraying fabric, scorch marks, exposed elements, loose connections and worn flex.


“More than a quarter of electric blankets tested last year were unsafe, so please look out for the danger signs and make an appointment for yours to be checked. Our HIA will be on hand to help you with this and can also offer other support to help you live safely and independently in your home.”

Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing

Advice and support from the Home Improvement Agency

Factors like old age, disability, a health condition or fuel poverty can put people in poor housing conditions at risk. Support from the HIA can help them live safely and independently in their own homes.

The HIA can help with home adaptions and general household repairs, minor electrical and plumbing works, energy efficiency measures and home safety and security. Grants or loans may be available to undertake any necessary work.

To discuss the support the HIA may be able to offer call 01865 252788 or visit the Home Improvement Agency webpages.

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