Published: Friday, 20 October 2023

Oxford City Council has started publishing new responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests on its website.

The Freedom of Information Act gives members of the public the right to access most information held by public authorities, including councils. 

Previously, the City Council provided information to the individual or organisation that requested it but did not publish it more widely. 

In the interests of transparency and to reduce repeat requests for the same information, the City Council has started publishing new FOI responses on its website.

View the City Council's FOI responses.

The City Council receives about 1,000 FOIs every year from members of the public, journalists, businesses, campaign groups and industry bodies. 

“Oxford City Council works for the public, and the public therefore has the right to access and scrutinise our work. Previously, FOI responses were only seen by the individual who submitted the request, who could then choose whether or not they wanted to release the information. Going forwards, we will democratise the system by releasing the information to everyone.” 

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council

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