Published: Tuesday, 17 October 2023

The Leader of Oxford City Council and the Lord Mayor of Oxford have offered support for the communities in Oxford and Oxford’s twin city of Ramallah affected by the Hamas-Israel conflict.

“The news from Gaza and Israel continues to be devastating. My thoughts are with everyone in our city and beyond who is affected by the terrible impact on all those families.

“Oxford has always had a proud tradition as a city of welcome, asylum and sanctuary and we take those values seriously. I hope that we will not see the kinds of increases in anti-Semitic and Islamophobic attacks that we have seen elsewhere, but I would urge people to report any incidents so that action can be taken. We will continue to work to support all local communities affected.”

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council

The Lord Mayor of Oxford, Councillor Lubna Arshad, has written to her counterpart, the Mayor of Ramallah, Issa Kassis, to offer Oxford’s support for his community in the West Bank, Palestine.

In her letter, in which she shares her wish for peace and an immediate ceasefire, Councillor Arshad said: “The solution does not lie in further loss of life. We urgently need an immediate ceasefire, a cessation of bombardment, the immediate release of all hostages in Gaza, as well as unhindered access for medical and humanitarian aid workers and supplies. The facilitation of urgent humanitarian assistance by the UN to the Palestinian citizens is paramount.”

Oxford has been twinned with Ramallah in the West Bank, Palestine, since 2019.

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