Published: Monday, 2 October 2023

"I could talk all day about how brilliant apprenticeships really are! Beyond the technical skills they help you develop, apprenticeships promote personal and professional growth. They encourage self-discipline, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability, which are essential traits for success in any career. At Oxford City Council, we’re proud to offer our own annual programme as well as supporting and encouraging apprenticeships in a variety of industries in our wonderful city.  

"Our apprenticeship programme is a way to reduce inequalities in the city and provides our community with more opportunities to get involved in the important work that we do. 

"Apprenticeships provide practical, on-the-job training, allowing individuals to gain real-world experience while learning essential skills. Our hands-on approach leads to a deeper understanding of the Council and a more comprehensive skill set. Many of our past apprentices now have permanent full-time roles within the council. 

"Graduates of council apprenticeship programs are valuable assets and can help address the skills gap that exists within local government. By training people in council-specific job roles, apprenticeships ensure that the future workforce is equipped to meet the needs of councils.  

"Unlike a traditional education path which might come with lots of student debt, apprenticeships are paid opportunities. Apprentices receive a wage for the work they do, allowing them to earn a living while gaining valuable skills, knowledge, and qualifications. This makes apprenticeships fairer and opens opportunities up to more people. 

"Our apprentices work closely with experienced teams in the council, often having an individual in the team who can act as a dedicated mentor. This close guidance and support allows our apprentices to learn from people actually doing the role, gaining insights and knowledge that might not be found in a classroom or textbook.  

"Completing an apprenticeship program leads to recognized certifications or qualifications. These credentials can open doors for further career advancement within the public and other sectors.  

"Apprenticeships offer pathways to a wide range of careers, not just traditional university-based professions. This makes them an attractive option for individuals who prefer a more practical approach to learning or who may not be interested in pursuing a traditional degree.

"If you are interested in an apprenticeship at Oxford City Council, then do keep an eye on our vacancies webpage or sign up for email updates."

Natasha, Recruitment Consultant at Oxford City Council

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