Published: Friday, 10 November 2023

Oxford City Council has opened two public consultations as the next step in implementing its Local Plan 2040.

The first consultation is on the plan itself, the key document which – if adopted – will underpin all planning decisions in Oxford until 2040.  

This aims to build more affordable homes, tackle the climate emergency and help make Oxford a fairer place for everyone. It also sets out where 9,612 homes will be built across the city by 2040 to help ease Oxford’s housing crisis.  

The council is seeking people’s final views on whether the submission draft and its accompanying policies map meet the tests of soundness set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. 

A second and parallel consultation is on a partial review of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule. 

The CIL is a fee councils charge on development, which pays for infrastructure supporting new homes and businesses. A charging schedule lists how much the CIL charges are per square metre for different types of development. 

Oxford’s growing economy means the value of developments for uses like office and lab space, industrial and logistics has increased significantly in the last 10 years. The council is proposing to increase the amount of CIL for these types of development only. 

More information 

Residents can find the draft Local Plan 2040 and all supporting documents on the council’s website.

A copy of the CIL draft charging schedule and supporting documents are also available on the council’s website.

Copies of consultation documents are available for viewing at Oxford Town Hall and Blackbird Leys, Botley, Cowley, Headington, Littlemore, Summertown and Oxford Westgate libraries. 

Take part 

Both consultations are now open and run for eight weeks until Friday 5 January 2024. 

Online questionnaires are available to complete on the council’s consultation website: 

The council will also welcome comments by email to or in writing to the Planning Policy Team, Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate’s, Oxford OX1 1BX. 

As part of the consultation process, residents will be able to request the right to be heard by government planning inspectors when the Oxford Local Plan 2040 is publicly examined.  

The online questionnaires will close at 23:59 on Friday 5 January. All other responses must be submitted by 4 pm on the closing date. 

Next steps 

The council will send its draft plans and all comments received during the consultation period to the Planning Inspectorate for approval in early 2024. 

A public inspection will then take place. If planning inspectors approve the draft plan and CIL charges, they could be adopted in summer 2025. 


“Our Local Plan 2040 aims to find the right balance to help us tackle the housing crisis and climate emergency, support our communities and residents and make Oxford a better place for everyone. We also want to make sure businesses that benefit most from our growing economy pay a fairer share towards the infrastructure that supports them. 

“We need to know if you think our plans are sound. This is the last opportunity for people to give their views before the Planning Inspectorate examines our plans. I’d encourage everyone with an interest in a better future for our city to take part.” 

Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Healthier Communities

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