Published: Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Update 27 May 2022: Officers from the City Council will now be available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 3pm at the Westgate Library.

In April 2021 the City Council reopened face to face customer services at St Aldate's Chambers, with appropriate COVID health and safety measures in place. This will continue, but will now relocate to the Westgate Library, where Oxfordshire County Council offer a similar service.

This pilot is aimed at delivering improved services to our residents by co-locating more face to face customer services provision in one place. This should be more convenient, as well as providing opportunities for more effective co-ordination between services. Residents will be able to visit one location in the city centre where they can undertake both City and County Council business. The pilot will initially run for 12 months, but if successful is intended to continue.

Officers from the City Council will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Westgate Library (10am to 3pm). Residents can simply drop in during these times, or book an appointment with the Council by phoning 01865 249811. The City Council staff will predominantly be based on the second floor where easy access for all will be ensured by the lift service.

Citizens Advice Oxford is also moving

City Council officers will also be joined by Citizens Advice Oxford, which has been sharing space in our St Aldate's Chambers, to provide customers with confidential and impartial advice whatever problems they face. Its operating hours from 31 January will be Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am to 1pm.

The City Council is currently reviewing its own office requirements, and the relocation of the customer services centre from St Aldate's Chambers will provide more flexibility in the use of this space.


“We are always looking for ways to innovate and be more efficient so this move to share space at the County Council’s Westgate Central library in the centre of Oxford is a great opportunity. We will still be able to provide the same high quality customer service experience, whilst at the same time freeing up space at St Aldate's Chambers.”

Councillor Mike Rowley, Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services at Oxford City Council

“We are delighted to be able to trial this new working arrangement with Oxford City Council. Our public libraries provide a trusted, free to use service for residents of all ages. They are a place for local communities to meet, a safe and welcoming space to learn and provide opportunities for creativity and enjoyment.

“The county library in the Westgate provides an easily accessible and friendly environment for Oxford City residents seeking support and who require or would prefer a face to face appointment with a member of the customer service team.”

Councillor Neil Fawcett, Cabinet Member for Community Services and Safety at Oxfordshire County Council

“This is a great opportunity for both councils to co-locate together and provide a seamless service to our residents. Customer service is a priority for the City and the County, and this collaboration will be a step forward in service delivery.”

Councillor Glynis Phillips, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services at Oxfordshire County Council

“As a local charity, offering key advice services, we welcome this opportunity to share this space with Oxford City Council and continue to provide advice from the central library. This is a vital service to people in Oxford who might not otherwise be able to access our services.”

Chris O’Hare, Chief Officer of Citizens Advice Oxford

For further details on contacting the City Council visit the contact page.

For more information on the Citizens Advice Oxford Adviceline, phone 0808 278 7909, or visit the Citizens Advice website

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