Published: Monday, 27 November 2023

"Earlier this year, we invited residents from across Oxford to take part in our Residents’ Panel. In July, we sought the Panel's views on life in Oxford, as well as their perceptions of Oxford City Council.

"Some of the results were really heartening: 90% reported feeling safe in their area during the day and night, 76% agreed that their area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together, and 85% were satisfied with the City Council’s provision of museums, parks and open spaces.

"There is a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes to make these results possible, and I’d like to thank all the staff at Oxford City Council who have helped achieve this level of satisfaction.

"However, to no-one’s surprise, the survey also showed that different areas of Oxford are having different experiences of life at the moment. While 66% of residents overall are content with their local area, this rises to 85% in North Oxford but drops to just 48% in the South East (Blackbird Leys, Littlemore and Rose Hill).

"Addressing this difference remains a key focus for us. We have invested significantly in communities in the South East of Oxford, including £9m for the Leys Pools and Leisure Centre and £5m for Rose Hill Community Centre. We are also working with Peabody to bring new homes, better shops and a new community centre to the heart of Blackbird Leys.

"One of the City Council’s key priorities is addressing the inequalities that exist in our city, both economically but also in terms of people’s health. Unsurprisingly, in the current UK economic climate the survey showed a majority of residents (52%) have been impacted by the cost of living, but this is being felt hardest in the South East of the city. The survey showed 20% reporting difficulties affording fuel and energy bills, and 15% difficulties affording food.

"The City Council supports local residents through grant aiding advice agencies, charities and local community organisations, subsidising leisure facilities and community buildings, encouraging employers to pay the Oxford Living Wage, and most importantly building thousands of new homes to tackle the number one cost for most families in Oxford.

"For those in need of support this winter, please visit our dedicated cost of living webpages.

"Feedback and engagement with residents are vital for us to make the improvements to allow everyone to fully enjoy our city. We will continue our work to build a fairer city that meets the needs and aspirations of all its people."

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council

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