Published: Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Councillor Mark Lygo has been named Cabinet Member for Safer and Inclusive Communities.

Councillor Lygo’s portfolio includes: 

  • Community development and engagement 
  • Community and voluntary sector grants 
  • Community safety and tackling antisocial behaviour  
  • Working with Thames Valley Police on tackling drug-dealing, county lines, domestic violence, child sexual exploitation 
  • Keeping our night-time economy safe 

Councillor Lygo has been a City Councillor for 15 years and a County Councillor for 10 years. He has previously been Executive Board Member for Leisure, Sport and Events on the City Council, Cabinet Member Public Health and Equalities on the County Council, and Lord Mayor of Oxford. 

Alongside these changes, Councillor Ed Turner is now responsible for the City Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme, Discretionary Housing Payment and welfare reform, and Councillor Linda Smith is responsible for community centres. These are on top of their existing portfolios. 

Oxford City Council’s Cabinet now has nine members; previously it had 10. 

The changes were announced at the City Council’s Full Council meeting last night (27/11). 

“Mark is an experienced councillor who has held senior positions on both the City and County Councils. I am delighted that he has agreed to expand his portfolio, and I look forward to working with him to help make Oxford a safer and fairer place to live.” 

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council

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