Grant funding can be used for core, revenue or capital funding depending on the needs of the applicant and the strength of the proposal. Please bear in mind though that your application will be scored on the given criteria.
Types of activity we can fund
- staff costs
- development work (testing new ways of working, staff training and development, developing governance, tech or IT upgrades/purchases, sharing learning)
- transport
- utilities/running costs
- volunteer expenses
- equipment
- capital costs (we can consider funding capital costs but do not anticipate these costs will be a significant amount of the proposed budget)
Types of activity we can't fund
- loans, endowments or interest
- paying someone else to write your application
- political activities, including lobbying
- activities where a profit will be distributed for private gain
- VAT you can reclaim
- alcohol
- retrospective costs for past activity
- items which will only benefit an individual, rather than the wider community
- religious activities (but we can fund religious organisations if their project benefits the wider community and does not include religious content)