If you have a question that isn’t covered by either the Community Impact Fund pages or these FAQs, please email us at grants@oxford.gov.uk

1. What are the community needs in Oxford?

You can find headline figures supporting Oxford City Council’s strategic priorities in the Council’s Strategy.

The Council produces a range of statistics about Oxford, including about poverty and deprivation.

The Oxford Community Impact Fund is a learning programme, and we want learning to be genuine in both directions. We want to hear about the needs that you or your organisation have identified with your beneficiaries and how you are responding to these.

The following sources of information are for reference; we aren’t looking for a detailed statistical case evidencing need. We are interested in the impact that you can have on the needs that you have identified.

Oxfordshire County Council Insight Team prepare county-wide data including two annual surveys:

  • The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which provides information about Oxfordshire's population and the factors affecting health, wellbeing, and social care needs.
  • The Strategic Intelligence Assessment with data relating to crime and community safety.

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2. Will the Oxford Community Impact Fund support all the areas, groups and categories you have listed on the Small and Medium Grants Application Form?

We may not be able to cover all the geographical areas, groups, and categories listed on the application form but would like the Small and Medium Grants to support organisations which reach as many in need as possible.

We have included tags to get an indication of where, with you and what type of activity you intend to work and this will be part of the consideration that goes into the balancing score. Please therefore take time to try and fill this out to the best of your ability.

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3. I provide a service which is offered across the whole of Oxfordshire – do I tell you just about the stuff to be delivered in the City?

You are welcome to apply as an organisation, or an individual (providing you meet the eligibility criteria) with local expertise delivering across the county. You can tell us about how your project will support a county-wide service but the Council can only fund activities that happen within the City; here is a boundary map for your information (exceptions apply for projects related to areas such as twinning - see Question 16 below). Please be specific about your delivery and delivery costs in the city.

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4. What if I am unable to give a comprehensive answer to some of the criteria-specific questions?

We want to support projects that make a difference. We do not expect every organisation or individual to perform highly against every criterion but we would like to know how you might maximise your impact.

You must be able to demonstrate how you will fulfil the equalities, diversity and inclusion criterion and environmental sustainability criterion. There are additional scores available for those organisations / partnerships that can deliver against the other criteria as per the weightings given.

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5. Where can I find out more information about Zero Carbon Oxford?

The Zero Carbon Oxford page is a good place to start with links to our action plan and a range of projects as well as other useful information. You might also like to look at #TogetherToZero which gives a list of nine practical actions that communities and citizens can take to make a difference in the face of climate change.

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6. What is the Oxford Living Wage?

You can find out more about it at the Oxford Living Wage homepage.

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7. Where would I find more information about what an inclusive economy means?

If you would like to learn more about the Council’s plans for an inclusive, global and zero carbon city economy you can see Oxford’s Economic Strategy.

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8. Where do I find the budget template?

The link for the budget template is included in the application form. Remember it is not compulsory to use this spreadsheet but you if you use your own you still need to include all of the key information that we have included on it including:

  • Name of your organisation
  • Grant request amount
  • Sources of additional funding (if applicable) and the additional information about these as set out on our template
  • An indication of your budget which includes the type of expenditure for each line (refer to the eligible spend page on this webpage) – linking this to the activity which you have told us you want the grant for

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9. Where do I find the spreadsheet for the partnership question?

The link for the spreadsheet is included in the application form.

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10. Can I use wording from a previous application to apply in another round?

Yes you can. Remember 20% of the score is awarded on the basis of trying to have a balanced programme that can make a difference across a broad range of areas, groups and categories of activities. If you've been successful in a previous round, you will need to demonstrate how you're making more impact with your new application.

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11. Is it the same form for Small and Medium Grants?

Yes. You can apply for a Small or a Medium Grant using the same application form. If applying for a Small Grant we'd expect your answers to be shorter.

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12. How much money can I apply for?

Not-for-profit organisations can apply for up to £5,000 per Medium Grant and £1,000 per Small Grant. Individuals can apply for up to £1,000 per Small Grant and cannot apply for Medium Grants.

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13. What is the deadline to submit my application for 2024 Round 1?

The deadline is 11:59pm on Sunday 4 February 2024. The application form is open now.

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14. Can you give more details about the partnerships section?

There are no additional scores to be gained from having as many lines on the partnership spreadsheet as possible – we are more interested in the quality of the partnership i.e., what each brings to the project and how you intend to collaborate. Ultimately we are looking for projects that can be impactful.

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15. Is there a size or income / expenditure limit on organisations that can apply?

There are no restrictions on size or income/expenditure, however you must be not-for-profit (see more about individuals and organisations we can fund).

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16. Can I apply for a project or activity that takes place outside Oxford?

We expect the majority of funded projects or activities to be taking place within Oxford. However, we can consider projects that go beyond Oxford, as long as you can demonstrate the community impact for Oxford. This could be for activities that take place in twin cities, for example.

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