We maintain a register of buildings, structures, features or places that make a special contribution to the character of Oxford and its neighbourhoods through their locally significant historic, architectural, archaeological or artistic interest.
The Oxford Heritage Asset Register (OHAR) was developed between 2012 and 2015 by us, with funding by English Heritage (Historic England), in partnership with Oxford Preservation Trust and local communities.
By identifying what is special about different parts of the city and particular heritage assets, we can better protect and manage them through planning policies and planning decisions.
Download our Guide to the Oxford Heritage Asset Register.
Relationship to the National Heritage List
The National Heritage List, administered by Historic England lists those buildings, structures and monuments of clearly national significance (such as, listed buildings, scheduled monuments, and registered parks and gardens). The Oxford Heritage Asset Register provides the opportunity to identify those elements of the city's historic environment particularly valued by local communities.
What inclusion on the Oxford Heritage Asset Register means
The inclusion of a building or place on the Heritage Asset Register places no additional legal requirements or responsibilities on property owners over and above those already required for planning permission or building regulation approval.
It can, however, help to influence planning decisions in a way that conserves and enhances local character. Under the National Planning Policy Framework the conservation and contribution of locally listed heritage assets will be a material consideration in planning decisions that directly affect them or their setting.
View the Oxford heritage Assets Register
See the Oxford Heritage Asset Register.