The OSP in partnership with the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) held a series of seminars across 2019 and early 2020 on Inclusive Growth.
Oxford and Oxfordshire are among the fastest growing local economies in the UK but also one of the least equal, so we wanted to examine what fundamental structural changes may be required to ensure our future growth delivers benefits to all residents and serves to narrow the inequalities gap.
Through the seminars the OSP and OxLEP developed a common understanding of this challenge, learnt more about the measures and policy interventions required and the strategies/approaches being trialed elsewhere. This helped inform and lay the foundations for an emerging ‘Inclusive Economy Commission’ which we plan to establish in 2021 with support from a wide range of cross-sectoral partners. The Commission once established is anticipated to host Task and Finish Groups on areas such as Social Value and Procurement as well as support the implementation of projects to make a meaningful positive impact on inequities in income and opportunity across Oxfordshire.
Seminar 1 - Defining the Challenge and Potential Interventions
The first Inclusive Growth seminar focused on the research, policy and data on economic and social inequality to define the real scale of the challenge nationally and locally. It highlighted potential interventions to be developed through the seminar series and beyond.
Wednesdy 16 October 2019
Seminar 2 - Place-based Strategies
Economic inequalities and deprivation are often concentrated in specific areas of cities and towns, or affect places in specific ways. The solutions to the inequality challenge can also lie within these places strengths and opportunities. This seminar will focus on lessons learned from cities and organisations that are taking the initiative to lead public-private place based strategies and investments.
Monday 28 October 2019
Seminar 3 - Economic Opportunities for All
This seminar will focus on the themes of workforce skills and training, employer engagement and initiatives, and the role the business sector can play to expand economic opportunities to all.
Wednesday 20 November 2019
Seminar 4 - Advancing an Inclusive Economy Initiative for Oxfordshire
This is the fourth and final seminar of the Inclusive Growth Seminar Series. Through this series, the Oxford Strategic Partnership and Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership have aimed to facilitate dialogue on understanding what inclusive growth is and begin to identify areas and activities which can form the basis of strategic interventions.
Wednesday 29 January 2020
Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Seminar Series Report
A report summing up the findings of the four Inclusive Growth Seminars and setting out ambitions and potential next steps

Contact the Oxford Strategic Partnership
Address: Oxford Strategic Partnershipc/o Corporate Strategy - Policy & Partnerships Team
Oxford Town Hall
St Aldate's
Oxford, OX1 1BX