We are committed to maximising its income and reducing rent arrears. With this in mind, we will:
- Offer you a choice of ways to pay your rent;
- Offer you financial incentives, and a choice of dates to pay your rent by Direct Debit;
- Write to you every March to inform you of what your rent and other charges will be for the coming year;
- Provide you with a Quarterly rent statement;
- Provide you with advice and assistance on completing your Housing Benefit application;
- Provide you with information on what to do if you fall into arrears and who to contact;
- Write to you if you fail to pay your rent, to tell you how much you owe and to request payment;
- Try to contact you in person to discuss payment – either over the telephone, face to face in your own home, or in one of the Council’s offices;
- Offer weekly rent surgeries in offices that are easily accessible;
- Provide you with details of other agencies that may be able to help you prioritise your debts;
- Ask you to make an offer to clear your rent arrears within an agreed timescale;
- Not ask you to pay an unreasonable amount, but try to reach an acceptable arrangement for repayment with you based on your income;
- Deal with your enquiry in a sensitive and confidential manner;
- Endeavour to work with Support Workers, Social Workers or someone legally appointed by you if you are vulnerable or unable to deal with your financial affairs personally;
- Contact you at every stage of the rent arrears procedure advising you of the amount of rent outstanding and of any action to be taken;
- Provide a dedicated Officer to assist with Service Charge and Leaseholder enquiries;
- Provide a dedicated Officer to pursue Former Tenants Arrears;
- Inform you throughout of the stage of court proceedings.
If you breach your arrangement or fail to make contact with us we will take further recovery action. This could result in:
- Third Party deductions being taken directly from your benefit to reduce your rent arrears;
- A County Court Judgement - this could effect your credit rating;
- Attachment of Earnings - deductions from your wages/salary;
- Eviction - repossession of your home.