Locality learning sessions

Every other Wednesday at 4.30pm to 5.15pm Community Services hosts an online learning session, where we share updates about what’s going on locally, followed by a presentation and discussion on a particular theme or topic.

The sessions are open to anyone from a community group or organisation that does work to support people. We actively welcome guest speakers and you can attend as many or as few sessions as you'd like. Everyone is welcome to suggest topics, lead discussions or join sessions that are of interest. For more information and joining details, please see bottom of page.

Upcoming sessions

The next sessions with confirmed speakers are:

  • 12 June: Employability and career change support from OxLEP Skills
  • 26 June: Commmunity Junction (community banking)
  • 24 July: Universal Credit migration  

More information or to get involved

Please email Anne-Marie Mulcahy if you would like to be added to the meeting invite list for these sessions. You can also get in touch with a Locality Manager to find out more about how these sessions run and to discuss your involvement.

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