Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Contents

1.1. Oxford’s Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) monitors the implementation and effectiveness of policies in the Oxford Local Plan (OLP) 2036 adopted in June 2020. Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of Oxford’s development plan documents (Appendix A) helps to ensure that progress is being made towards achieving the Plan’s objectives. Monitoring also helps to identify when policies may need adjusting or replacing if they are not working as intended or if wider social, economic or environmental conditions change. This information is important in shaping our approach to reviewing the Plan and continues to provide an important evidence base for the Oxford Local Plan 2040. The City Council also has a legal duty to monitor certain aspects of planning performance. 

1.2. The AMR no longer reports on S106 and CIL income. This can be found in the Infrastructure Funding Statement published in December each year.

Monitoring Framework

1.3. A set of indicators has been developed to provide a framework for monitoring the effectiveness of polices in the Plan. Local authorities are only required to report on specific indicators and as such, the AMR has reported on policies which are key to providing a better understanding of how our city functions and is responding to development. The indicators we are reporting on are those which show significant facts or trends, or are key to delivering the Council’s corporate priorities, namely fostering an inclusive economy, delivering more affordable housing, supporting flourishing communities and pursuing a zero carbon Oxford.

Structure of the Monitoring Report

1.4. The AMR begins by providing a status report on the production of development plan documents, followed by the monitoring of the policies themselves. This has been structured around the three overarching objectives set out in paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2023):

  • Economic objective to build a strong, responsive and competitive economy - the economy, retail, community and infrastructure.
  • Social objective to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities - housing, health and community benefits.
  • Environmental objective to project and enhance our natural, built and historic environment - design and heritage, protecting our green and blue spaces and making wise use of our natural resources to secure a good quality local environment.

1.5. Please refer to the Local Plan glossary should you require any clarification of terminology used within this report.

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