Age profile
- At the 2021 Census it was estimated that 30% of Oxford's population was aged 18-29 years (compared to 16% for Oxfordshire and 14% for England and Wales), and the city has the second youngest median age - 31 years - of any place in England and Wales
- Between 2000 and 2010, there was been a marked increase in the birth rate causing a rise in the number of children. The general fertility rate has generally been in decline since 2011. Between Census 2011 and Census 2021 there has been a decrease of 23% in under 5 year olds (-2,110)
- Census 2021 data shows that 4% of Oxford’s population is aged 0-4 years old and 10% of the population is aged 0-10 years old. This compares to 6% and 12% respectively in 2011.
- Adults of working age (16-64 years) make up for 73% of the total Oxford population according to the Census 2021. This is higher than county (64%) and national (60%) averages.
- Those aged 65+ years make up 12% of the population in the city. This is lower than county (18%) and national averages (18%).
- The number of people aged over 75 years has increased slightly in the last 10 years (+595) - making up 5% of the population of the city. This is lower than the county (9%) and the national averages (8%).
Older People Needs Analysis (November 2013)
Tackling Isolation Pilot Project Evaluation (October 2013)
Children and Young People Needs Analysis 2013
Oxford population by age and gender, 2011 Census
Map: proportion of people of pensionable age (2005 estimates)
Map: proportion of people aged 0 to 15 years (2005 estimates)
Population forecasts dashboard on the Oxfordshire Data Hub
A Tale of Two Counties: growing older in Oxfordshire - Age UK report
Contact the Social Statistics Service
Address: Town HallSt Aldate's