The Council carried out a consultation exercise between 10 September and 31 December 2020 on property licensing for private rented homes. This consultation exercise has now finished. This consultation was about renewing the additional HMO licensing scheme and the introduction of a selective licensing scheme to cover non HMO privately rented properties.
We have been operating an additional licensing scheme which covers all the HMOs (other than those already covered by mandatory licensing) in the city since 2011. An HMO is a property occupied by 3 or more persons forming 2 or more households.
These proposals have been considered due to the high levels of private rented homes in the city and the problems that often exist with poor conditions and home hazards within them.
We believe that the introduction of selective licensing and the renewal of the additional HMO licensing scheme is the most effective method of regulating and improving the conditions and management of properties in the private rented sector in the city.
Although the consultation has now closed, you can still read the Property licensing consultation detailed guidance.
The reports taken to Cabinet on 9 September 2020 to authorise the consultation are available below. These provide further information about the proposed schemes.
- Proposal to improve the Private Rented Sector through selective licensing report
- Review of the Additional HMO licensing scheme report
For more information on property licensing schemes, please see our Quick reference guide for property licensing page.
What happened after the consultation closed?
A report has been produced by ORS who undertook the consultation on our behalf:
- Executive summary
- Consultation on Selective and Additional HMO Licensing in the Private Rented Sector in Oxford
The Cabinet carefully considered the report at a meeting on 10 March 2021 and decided to make a new designation for Additional Licensing for HMOs and make designations for Selective Licensing. To see the reports with details of the proposals, please see the following information:
- Proposal to make designations for Selective Licensing and submit for approval to Secretary of Stage
- Selective Licensing Report
- Appendix 1 Consultation Report Executive Summary
- Appendix 2 Consultation methods comparison
- Appendix 3 Council response to the consultation
- Appendix 4 Selective Licensing Conditions Proposal
- Appendix 5A Draft Designation whole city excluding Holywell ward
- Appendix 5B Draft Designation Holywell ward only
- Appendix 6 Selective Licensing Eligibility criteria
- Appendix 7 Selective Licensing Fee structure
- Appendix 8 Selective Licensing Risk register
- Appendix 9 Selective Licensing Equality Impact Assessment
- Proposal to designate the whole of the city of Oxford for Additional Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
- Additional HMO Licensing Report
- Appendix 1 Consultation Report Executive Summary
- Appendix 2 Consultation method comparison
- Appendix 3 Council response to this consultation
- Appendix 4 Eligible Accreditation Schemes
- Appendix 5 Multi-year HMO licence criteria
- Appendix 6 HMO fee structure
- Appendix 7 HMO licence conditions
- Appendix 8 HMO licensing equality impact assessment
- Appendix 9 HMO Licensing risk register