The circular economy

Local authorities are setting their sights on a circular economy. This economic model prioritises reusing products over discarding them and extracting new resources. It aims to minimise waste by keeping products and materials in circulation for as long as possible.

This approach extends to all types of waste, from clothing and scrap metal to obsolete electronics. By finding ways to reintroduce these materials back into the economy, or by use them more efficiently, a circular economy offers a multitude of benefits. These include environmental protection, wiser use of natural resources, the development new sectors, and the creation of jobs and new capabilities.

Community Action Groups

Over 100 Community Action Groups (CAGs) work across Oxfordshire to promote a safer, fairer, greener, and more sustainable future for the county. These groups tackle various issues like waste, transportation, food, energy, biodiversity, and social justice. CAGs play a key role in reducing waste by encouraging residents to reuse, repair, and upcycle materials and household items, contributing to a more circular and sharing economy.

Find out more about Oxfordshire CAGs.

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