Woman with calculator

Before you get started

There are different pots of funding to help retrofit your home, depending on your income level, council tax band, and EPC rating.

How can I check my EPC rating?

If you have had an EPC survey in the last 10 years, then you should be able to find your rating online. 

Find my EPC rating 

How can find out my Council Tax band?

You can find your Council Tax band by looking up your address or postcode online.

Find my Council Tax band

What funding is available to me?

If you are unsure about your eligibility for any of the schemes, you can check on the Oxfordshire County Council website.

A summary of the current grants are summarised below:

Funding for people on low incomes

Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme

The ECO scheme can provide support to install energy efficiency measures in the home of those considered to be in fuel poverty. The program provides funding for eligible homeowners and tenants, enabling them to upgrade their homes with energy-saving measures for free, including: 

  • First time central heating
  • Air source heat pumps
  • Solar panels
  • Loft insulation
  • Room in roof insulation
  • Floor insulation
  • Internal wall insulation
  • External wall insulation

You are eligible for the ECO scheme if you live in a house with an EPC rating of an E or lower and are in receipt of certain government benefits including:

  1. Child Tax Credits (CTC)
  2. Child Benefits (depends on income threshold)
  3. Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  4. Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
  5. Income Support (IS)
  6. Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
  7. Universal Credit (UC)
  8. Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  9. Housing Benefit
  10. Pension Credit Saving Credit

Find out more about the ECO4 grant.

Better Housing Better Health can offer support with applications and assessing eligibility.

ECO Flex

The Energy Company Obligation Flexible Eligibility (known as ECO Flex) scheme is a Government initiative to allow more people to benefit from energy company grants. If you don't meet the criteria for the ECO4 funding, but you are on a low income, have a medical condition that makes you vulnerable to living in a cold home or struggle to heat your home, you might be eligible for ECO Flex funding.

Better Housing Better Health can offer support with applications and assessing eligibility.

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) - applications now closed

The Home Upgrade Grant offers free energy efficiency measures including: 

  • Cavity wall insulation
  • External wall insulation
  • Loft insulation, including top-ups
  • Underfloor Insulation
  • Solar photovoltaics
  • Solar hot water system
  • Air source heat pump
  • Other measures may be available where appropriate

You are eligible for the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) if you: 

  • are living in a home not heated by mains gas (including homes that are heated oil by coal, LPG, or electric heating), or if your home is connected to the grid for cooking, but use off-gas grid heating, it is also eligible
  • and have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) between D and G
  • and have a household income of no more than £36,000, or £20,000 after mortgage/rent
  • or if you live in the most economically deprived areas (IMD 1-3)

This funding is being delivered by Agility Eco, on behalf of the Council. 

Agility eco logo

Apply for the Home Upgrade Grant online, or call 0800 107 8883

Connected for Warmth (heating)

The Connected for Warmth scheme for heating offers a free air source heat pump to homeowners or private renters.

You are eligible for the Connected for Warmth grant if you have an EPC rating between E and G, and heat your home using one of the following ways:

  1. electric storage heaters
  2. room heaters
  3. open fires
  4. electric warm air system/li>
  5. electric underfloor or ceiling heating (not connected to an electric boiler)
  6. oil boiler
  7. LPG boiler
  8. electric boiler
  9. solid fuel boiler

And receive means-tested benefits:

  1. Child benefit (depends on income threshold)
  2. Child Tax Credit
  3. Housing Benefit
  4. Jobseekers Allowance
  5. Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  6. Income Support
  7. Pension Credit Guarantee
  8. Pensions Credit Savings Credit
  9. Universal Credit
  10. Working Tax Credit

This scheme is only for homeowners or private rented properties, if you are a social tenant you can not apply for this scheme.

Find out more about the Connected for Warmth grant.

Connected for Warmth (insulation)

The Connected for Warmth scheme for insulation offers support to install loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, heating controls, and smaller energy saving measures (eg LED lighting, radiator panels).

You are eligible for the Connected for Warmth grant if you have an EPC rating of C to G and are in Council Tax bands A to D.

Find out more about the Connected for Warmth (insulation) grant.

General support for retrofitting

If you do not qualify for the funding above, you may be eligible for one of the following schemes:

Great British Insulation Scheme

The Great British Insulation Scheme can provide free or cheaper insulation to reduce your home’s energy bills by installing cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, and more.  

You might get support if you have an EPC rating between D and G, and are in Council Tax bands A to D.

The funding is open to homeowners, landlords, and tenants (either renting privately or from a housing association). Tenants will need permission from their landlord before any insulation can be installed.

In some cases, you may be asked to contribute to the cost of the installation.

Find out more about the Great British Insulation Scheme.

Boiler Upgrade Scheme

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme offers grants (between £500- £7,500) to cover part of the cost of replacing a fossil fuel heating system with a ground heat pump or biomass boiler.

You’re eligible for a grant if you:

  • own the property you’re applying for - your property must have a valid EPC 
  • and will be replacing a fossil fuel heating system such as oil, gas or electric 

Find out more about the Boiler Upgrade Scheme.

Council housing tenants

Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF)

The Council has been awarded up to £2.6m from the SHDF which has helped create our largest retrofit programme so far. This programme is targeting more than 300 council homes with an EPC D or below.

The programme will take a ‘fabric first’ approach. This means making buildings more energy-efficient through modifications like enhanced insulation and air tightness.

We’ve identified particular types of homes for inclusion in the programme. We’re now engaging with tenants about carrying out retrofit work to their homes. 


Landlords need to be aware of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards which apply to privately rented homes. Our licensing team oversees this scheme.

Private rented tenants

Private tenants are eligible for schemes such as the Great British Insulation Fund, the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG), and ;Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) funding, however you will need your landlord’s permission to carry out any works. Similarly, if your landlord would like to carry out retrofitting through these schemes, they will require your permission.

If you are living in a privately rented property that is cold, draughty and hard to heat, you should first contact your landlord. You have the right to request certain basic energy efficiency measures, and consent should not be unreasonably refused. Information and advice can be found on our Energy efficiency pages.

If this is unsuccessful, please contact the Residential Regulation Team. 

Do you live outside of Oxford?

If you live in Oxfordshire, be sure to check your local council's website for more information:

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