Tenants can apply to the First-tier Tribunal for a rent repayment order to reclaim up to 12 months’ rent back. Rent can only be claimed from 01 September 2022 when the Selective Licence scheme starts. The tenants must demonstrate to the Tribunal they paid the rent.
From 1 September 2022, section 21 notice cannot be served to end the tenancy while the house remains unlicensed
From 1 December 2022, applications will be charged at the standard fee.
From 1 January 2023, the Council will begin looking for unlicensed properties and the owners may be at risk of further enforcement action. The council can issue a financial penalty of up to £30,000 or on summary conviction at court receive an unlimited fine.
From 1 September 2023, applications will be charged at the higher fee unless the applicant can demonstrate the property has been occupied as a rented home for less than 12 weeks before the application was made – in these cases, the standard fee will apply.
Further information on enforcement can be found on the Private rented housing enforcement pages.
Contact the Property Licensing Team
Address: Property Licensing TeamRegulatory Services and Community Safety
Oxford City Council
Town Hall
St Aldate's