Travel to work during Census 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the way in which Oxford residents moved around for work when the Census 2021 took place, particularly with travel restrictions across the country.
The majority of usual resident,s aged 16 years or over, in Oxford used a method of travel to work (61.2%), while 38.8% worked mainly from home - a big increase from 3.6% in 2011. This was higher than England average at 31.5%
Of those who were commuting to work, 38.8% opted for an active travel method (walk or cycle). The second most popular commuting method was Driving a car or van (38.2%), followed by bus, minibus, or coach at 14.5%.
Work flow data from Census 2021 has not yet been published by the ONS and there is currently a provisional release date of 'Summer 2023'.
Further links
Commuting by mode of travel 2011 - interactive chart (Nomis).
Commuting between small areas 2011 - interactive map (DataShine).
Impact of the pandemic on people, households and communities (including travel patterns) according to the Opinions and Lifestyle survey 2020 survey results.
Contact the Social Statistics Service
Address: Town HallSt Aldate's