The Oxfordshire Growth Board secured £215million of Government investment for new homes and infrastructure across Oxfordshire.

The Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal, announced in the Budget Statement on 22 November 2017, will provide £60million for affordable housing and £150million for infrastructure improvements, including road and rail.

This will support the ambition of building 100,000 new homes across Oxfordshire between 2011 and 2031 to address the county’s severe housing shortage and expected economic growth.

The Growth Board wants the deal to be the first stage in a sustained partnership with Government to secure on-going investment.

Separately, the Growth Board also submitted bids to the Government to support Didcot Garden Town, and West Oxfordshire and North of Oxford Garden Villages.

The Oxfordshire Growth Board includes Oxfordshire’s six councils - Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council - and Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Download the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal Outline Agreement.

Contact the Planning Policy Team

Address: Oxford City Council
Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252847

Fax: 01865 252144

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