For your application, you will need to provide:

  1. A completed application form

Please use our online form to request an amendment to an existing address or new addresses. You can use this form for all application types.

Apply for street naming and numbering

All Properties must have a number as per our SNN Policy.

  1. A location plan with the application site outlined in red, showing the existing and proposed builds

Guidance can be found under block/location plans on our Planning application drawing standards page.

  1. Floor plans (required for flats)
  • Flats are numbered from the shared entrance door eg. 25 Whelan Way, Flat 1, 25 Whelan Way Flat 2 etc
  • Infill developments are numbered as A, B, C etc where the numbering cannot be continued
  • Where properties have individual doors they will be numbered off the street which gives primary access.
  1. The appropriate fee for your application
  • If you pay via BACS - please use the first line of the existing address followed by 'SNN' as reference e.g. 30 Whelan Way SNN
  • You can pay via phone by calling 01865 252808
  • There is no VAT on SNN fees

If you have any queries please review our SNN Policy, or contact us.


Numbering of new developments (including sub-division of existing properties)

  • 1 plot: £64.13
  • 2 plots: £102.85
  • 3 plots: £140.36
  • 4-20 plots: £90.75 plus £26.40 per plot
  • 21-50 plots: £211.75 plus £24 per plot
  • 51+ plots: £399.30 plus £18.70 per plot


  • Naming a new road - £145.20
  • New building (for flats offices and commercial buildings) - £64.13
  • Addition / Change / Removal of an existing house name - £58.08


  • Changes to an address since initial SNN issued - £13.31 Per Plot (no longer than 6 years of initial issue date)
  • Reissue following demolition & rebuild of dwelling - £38.72
  • Street renaming at the request of the owners - £250 plus £22 per property

Site visits

  • £55 or £27.50 per hour where minimum charge exceeded

Changes to fees from 1 April 2025

The follwoing fees will apply from 1 April 2025:

Numbering of new developments (including sub-division of existing properties)

  • 1 plot: £70.50
  • 2 plots: £113.15
  • 3 plots: £154.40
  • 4-20 plots: £100.00 plus £29.00 per plot
  • 21-50 plots: £233.00 plus £26.50 per plot
  • 51+ plots: £440.00 plus £20.50 per plot


  • Naming a new road - £160.00
  • New building (for flats offices and commercial buildings) - £70.50
  • Addition / Change / Removal of an existing house name - £63.90


  • Changes to an address since initial SNN issued - £14.65 Per Plot (no longer than 6 years of initial issue date)
  • Reissue following demolition and rebuild of dwelling - £42.60

Site visits

  • £60.50 or £30.25 per hour where minimum charge exceeded

Contact the Street Naming and Numbering Team

Address: Oxford City Council
Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252808

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