Large development applications (51+ dwellings and/or new roads) follow the same application process laid out on our Apply for street naming and numbering page.
However if you would like a pre-consultation application on large developments please contact us.
What you need to provide:
- Master site plan
- Number of roads
- Number of dwellings
- Number of flats
- Number of commercial units
- When you are planning to submit an official application
- Your main contact details, budget and any deadlines you have
What will be included:
- Estimated cost
- Estimated time scale on completion
- Agreement to number of roads to name
- Agreement to number of properties, flats and commercial units
- Rough street naming and numbering plan
- Face-to-face or virtual meetings can be arranged to talk through the process in person if preferred
We will not agree postcodes or road names during the pre-consultation application process.
Postcodes are allocated by Royal Mail. Any queries around postcodes must be directed to Royal Mail.
See our Apply for street naming and numbering page for information about fees.
Contact the Street Naming and Numbering Team
Address: Oxford City CouncilTown Hall
St Aldate's