We take all complaints made about the level of service provided by drivers, condition of licensed vehicles, and the customer service provided by operators very seriously.

How to complain

Should the service that you have received not meet with your expectations:

  • make a note of either the driver's badge number, the vehicle licence plate number or the vehicle registration number
  • note the time and date of the incident
  • note the location of the incident
  • note as much detail as you can about the vehicle type, colour and any distinguishing features
  • get in touch with us

In order to ensure that a complaint can be fully investigated and the appropriate enforcement action taken, please submit it in writing, either by post or email to the Licensing team.

What happens next

When determining the level of action appropriate, we will have regard to our Policy on the Relevance of Warnings, Offences, Cautions and Convictions.

We are able to offer advice to both the public and the licensees in order to rectify issues that arise. However there are further powers available to us such as prosecution, suspension of licences, revocation of licences, and warnings.

The over-riding consideration is to protect the public.

More information

Download the Taxi licensing Relevance of Warnings, Offences, Cautions and Convictions Policy

Contact the Taxi Licensing Team

Address: Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252115

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