All private rented homes in Oxford require a licence.

HMOs with five or more people require a mandatory HMO licence (required England-wide under the Housing Act 2004). All other HMOs in Oxford must have a licence under the Council's Additional Licence scheme. Our website contains more information regarding Houses in Multiple Occupation.

All non-HMOs (family homes or 1 or 2 person properties) require a Selective Licence. For more information on selective licencing please visit our website.

You can find the register of licensed HMOs here - Register of licensed HMOs

You can find the register of selective licences here - Register of selective licences

Please note, licences being processed do not appear on the register.

If you suspect a property may be a rented home without a licence you can report it anonymously for us to investigate.

Please use this form to report a suspected unlicensed properties. Any information that you provide will be held in the strictest confidence.

This form usually takes about 5 minutes to complete. Please note that after 60 minutes of inactivity the form will time out and any information you have entered will be lost.