Monitoring data
Application Processing and Administration
Number of applications received.
Licence Type |
New |
Renewal |
Temporary Exemption |
Variations |
Total |
Q1 |
69 |
455 |
3 |
26 |
553 |
Q2 |
78 |
576 |
8 |
52 |
714 |
Q3 |
159 |
492 |
1 |
47 |
699 |
Q4 |
87 |
490 |
2 |
39 |
618 |
Total |
393 |
2013 |
14 |
164 |
2584 |
The processing of all new HMO licences includes an inspection, this inspection is carried out by the Enforcement team, however there are several applications which are withdrawn prior to an inspection being carried out.
Number of inspections carried out for new applications
Quarter |
Number of Inspections |
Q1 |
57 |
Q2 |
43 |
Q3 |
73 |
Q4 |
83 |
Number of licences issued
Category |
A (New) |
B (New) |
C (1yr) (Renewal) |
D (higher fee 1yr) (Renewal) |
E (2yr licence) (Renewal) |
F (5yr licence) (Renewal) |
Total |
Q1 |
7 |
59 |
150 |
14 |
72 |
44 |
346 |
Q2 |
2 |
42 |
283 |
19 |
94 |
38 |
478 |
Q3 |
5 |
43 |
327 |
17 |
86 |
67 |
545 |
Q4 |
16 |
73 |
366 |
22 |
78 |
50 |
605 |
Total |
30 |
217 |
1126 |
72 |
330 |
199 |
1974 |
Quarter |
% New Applications issued within 16 weeks (target 85%) |
% Renewal Applications issued within 8 weeks (target 85%) |
Q1 |
65.85 |
84.91 |
Q2 |
67.81 |
77.68 |
Q3 |
68.47 |
76.18 |
Q4 |
72.27 |
75.80 |
The downturn in performance is due to HMO trained resources being recruited to work on the Selective licensing scheme, the resulting vacancies have now been filled, although the training of new staff is required which can impact productivity.
Compliance with the Scheme
Compliance with the scheme is monitored following compliance visits. Currently of the 620 compliance checks undertaken, 75% of properties were compliant with their HMO licensing conditions which is a slight increase on the previous year where 73% of properties were compliant.
Periodic Inspections (5 year inspections)
As part of the licensing scheme the Council must seek to remove or reduce category 1 or category 2 hazards from HMOs using Housing Act Part 1 powers and undertaking HHSRS assessments where required. Compliance with the scheme is also measured when undertaking such inspections or audits. Whilst this is improving as the scheme progresses. In 22/23 156 periodic(full) inspections were undertaken, of these 5% were assessed in relation to category 1 and category 2 hazards and were found to require works with a further 42 properties found to be non – compliant with the HMO licensing scheme.
HMO related Service requests
The Residential Regulation Team have received 765 service requests in the year 22/23 this figure does not include service requests in relation to tenancy relations, noise and anti- social behaviour. 28% of the service requests related to disrepair and non-compliance with 24% relating to licence enquiries and 115 suspected HMOs operating without a licence. Overall 92% of the service requests were responded to within 5 working days.
Breakdown of service requests received in the year
Period |
Number of service Requests received |
Q1 |
262 |
Q2 |
185 |
Q3 |
157 |
Q4 |
161 |
Total |
765 |
Suspect HMO investigations
There have been 115 referrals concerning HMOs operating without a licence, with over 46% being referred by members of the public and neighbours, approximately 25% from occupiers.
The outcome of concluded investigations (84% at year-end), was that in 22.6 % of the cases investigated, HMO or selective licence applications were made, however 40% of the cases were found not to be an HMO at the time of the investigation.