Training - FOI Policy

All staff are required to undertake a mandatory online training module on Introduction to Freedom of Information as part of their induction as well as annual refresher training. The Information Governance Team will maintain a training register in conjunction with HR to ensure all staff have completed initial and refresher training.

The Information Governance Team will co-ordinate the provision of any required training on information requests management systems. All Service Information Officers, Heads of Service and Executive Directors are required to undertake training on the system and internal FOI processes and procedures.

The Information Governance Team will ensure any additional or specialist training they require for FOI and EIR is refreshed and kept up to date on a regular basis as well as monitoring any new legislation or guidance which has an impact on the delivery of handling information requests.

The Information Governance Team will provide advice and guidance to services as necessary regarding the production of FOI responses including the use of exemptions, public interest tests and third party consultation.

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