Section 9: Scrutiny and oversight: continuous learning and improvement
Code provision 9.1
Landlords must look beyond the circumstances of the individual complaint and consider whether service improvements can be made as a result of any learning from the complaint.
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
We do look beyond the circumstances of the complainant and identify the complaint and how these impacts on residents as a whole.
Appreciative enquiries and customer journey mapping has been carried out in areas where complaints have been raised and service failings have been identified.
Code provision 9.2
A positive complaint handling culture is integral to the effectiveness with which landlords resolve disputes. Landlords must use complaints as a source of intelligence to identify issues and introduce positive changes in service delivery.
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
As a landlord we recognise the positive impact complaints have on future service delivery, which is supported through the investigation process. Appreciative enquiries and customer journey mapping has been carried out in areas where complaints have been raised.
Learning from complaints is shared across service areas and in the example of day-to-day repairs, any learning is also shared with operatives through “toolbox talks.”
Code provision 9.3
Accountability and transparency are also integral to a positive complaint handling culture. Landlords must report back on wider learning and improvements from complaints to stakeholders, such as residents’ panels, staff and relevant committees.
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
The Annual Report 2023 was published in September 2023 and provides learning from complaints.
Further information on complaints is provided in the tenant newsletter.
Planned activity will provide that learning and improvements are publicised on the Council’s website.
Complaints performance and learning is reported to the Housing and Homeless Panel (of the Scrutiny Committee).
We will be publishing our lessons learnt to a new formed Tenant and Leaseholder Advisory Board throughout the year.
Code provision 9.4
Landlords must appoint a suitably senior lead person as accountable for their complaint handling. This person must assess any themes or trends to identify potential systemic issues, serious risks, or policies and procedures that require revision.
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
A Customer Care and Complaints Manager was appointed in February 2024 and as part of their role, will assess any
themes or trends to identify potential system issues.
The Landlord Service Manager will have accountability for complaints handling.
Code provision 9.5
In addition to this a member of the governing body (or equivalent) must be appointed to have lead responsibility for complaints to support a positive complaint handling culture. This person is referred to as the Member Responsible for Complaints (‘the MRC’).
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
The Leader of Oxford City Council is responsible for complaints in their Cabinet portfolio.
Code provision 9.6
The MRC will be responsible for ensuring the governing body receives regular information on complaints that provides insight on the landlord’s complaint handling performance. This person must have access to suitable information and staff to perform this role and report on their findings.
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
Please see response to 9.7 below.
Code provision 9.7
As a minimum, the MRC and the governing body (or equivalent) must receive:
- regular updates on the volume, categories and outcomes of complaints, alongside complaint handling performance;
- regular reviews of issues and trends arising from complaint handling;
- regular updates on the outcomes of the Ombudsman’s investigations and progress made in complying with orders related to severe maladministration findings; and
- annual complaints performance and service improvement report.
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
We are seeking information of the council on who it considers to be the governing body.
We will then provide both the MRC and governing body with updates on our complaints handling performance and any outcomes of Ombudsman investigations.
We will also provide both the MRC and governing body with annual performance and service improvement report.
Code provision 9.8
Landlords must have a standard objective in relation to complaint handling for all relevant employees or third parties that reflects the need to:
- have a collaborative and co-operative approach towards resolving complaints, working with colleagues across teams and departments;
- take collective responsibility for any shortfalls identified through complaints, rather than blaming others; and
- act within the professional standards for engaging with complaints as set by any relevant professional
Do we comply?
Commentary / explanation
This is all reflected in our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure.
This approach is also regularly reinforced internally through training and communication, overseen by the Customer Care and Complaints Manager.