Section 6b: Complaints Stages - Stage 2

Code provision 6.10


If all or part of the complaint is not resolved to the resident’s satisfaction at stage 1, it must be progressed to stage 2 of the landlord’s procedure. Stage 2 is the landlord’s final response.

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If the complainant is not satisfied by the response, then they are able to escalate the complaint to the second and final stage.

Code provision 6.11


Requests for stage 2 must be acknowledged, defined and logged at stage 2 of the complaints procedure within five working days of the escalation request being received.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

Written acknowledgements if provided within five working days and contains a summary of the issues being escalated and the outcomes the resident is seeking. Further contact between the Complaint Officer and the tenant also confirms the position.

Code provision 6.12


Residents must not be required to explain their reasons for requesting a stage 2 consideration. Landlords are expected to make reasonable efforts to understand why a resident remains unhappy as part of its stage 2 response.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

Our Stage 1 letter response does not require the complainant to explain their reasons for requesting a Stage 2. It states ‘If you would like to take your complaint to Stage 2, please advise us. We will then make every effort to better understand the reasons for your ongoing dissatisfaction, either in email, letter or phone call’.

Code provision 6.13


The person considering the complaint at stage 2 must not be the same person that considered the complaint at stage 1.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure.

Commentary / explanation

This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Section titled 'How your complaints will be dealt with' specifies: Our stage 2 complaints are responded to by a Head of Service.

Code provision 6.14


Landlords must issue a final response to the stage 2 within 20 working days of the complaint being acknowledged.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

Our stage 2 complaints are responded to within the 20 working days, although we aim to provide the response in as short a timeframe as possible, following a thorough investigation by the Head of Service.

Where there are exceptional circumstances and it is not possible to provide a response within 20 working days, we will inform the resident and provide a clear timeframe and explanation as to why.

Code provision 6.15


Landlords must decide whether an extension to this timescale is needed when considering the complexity of the complaint and then inform the resident of the expected timescale for response. Any extension must be no more than 20 working days without good reason, and the reason(s) must be clearly explained to the resident.

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The Customer Care and Complaints Officer makes contact with the complainant to discuss an extension. Where this is agreed, this is confirmed in writing.

Code provision 6.16


When an organisation informs a resident about an extension to these timescales, they must be provided with the contact details of the Ombudsman.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

When an extension occurs, the Customer Care and Complaints Officer also provides the complainant the Housing Ombudsman details.

Code provision 6.17


A complaint response must be provided to the resident when the answer to the complaint is known, not when the outstanding actions required to address the issue are completed. Outstanding actions must still be tracked and actioned promptly with appropriate updates provided to the resident.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

Written complaint responses are sent to the resident when the answer to complaint is known. Where there are any outstanding actions, these are listed within the written response with target dates.

The Customer Care and Complaints Officer logs any outstanding actions and tracks these to completion by working with the relevant service area.

Code provision 6.18


Landlords must address all points raised in the complaint definition and provide clear reasons for any decisions, referencing the relevant policy, law and good practice where appropriate.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

As a landlord our complaints responses do address all points raised and provide clear reasons for the decisions.

Code provision 6.19


Landlords must confirm the following in writing to the resident at the completion of stage 2 in clear, plain language:

  1. the complaint stage;
  2. the complaint definition;
  3. the decision on the complaint;
  4. the reasons for any decisions made;
  5. the details of any remedy offered to put things right;
  6. details of any outstanding actions; and
  7. details of how to escalate the matter to the Ombudsman Service if the individual remains dissatisfied.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

We have adopted the Housing Ombudsman’s template response letters, incorporating the requirements to ensure compliance. We provide details of how the resident can escalate the matter to the Housing Ombudsman.

Code provision 6.20


Stage 2 is the landlord’s final response and must involve all suitable staff members needed to issue such a response.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure.

Commentary / explanation

This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Section titled 'How your complaints will be dealt with' specifies: Our stage 2 complaints are responded to by a Head of Service.

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