Section 3: Accessibility and Awareness

Code provision 3.1


Landlords must make it easy for residents to complain by providing different channels through which they can make a complaint. Landlords must consider their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and anticipate the needs and reasonable adjustments of residents who may need to access the complaints process.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure.

Commentary / explanation

This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Section ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ specifies:
‘Anyone is welcome to make a comment. Compliment or complaint and the Council is committed to treating everyone fairly. If a complainant requires any particular assistance the Council will tailor made this service to the complainants needs. This may include, for example, the provision of information in alternative formats (e.g. large print), the use of a language service, or communication through a representative’.

Code provision 3.2


Residents must be able to raise their complaints in any way and with any member of staff. All staff must be aware of the complaints process and be able to pass details of the complaint to the appropriate person within the landlord.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure.

Commentary / explanation

This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Section titled 'How to make a comment, compliment or complaint?' provides detail on how to raise a complaint via:

  • Telephone
  • Online form
  • In person
  • In writing (to our Town Hall)
  • By email
  • Via a Councillor or MP

The Council’s Tenant Portal is due to go live in autumn 2023, with the functionality for tenants to raise a complaint, comment or compliment.

Code provision 3.3


High volumes of complaints must not be seen as a negative, as they can be indicative of a well-publicised and accessible complaints process. Low complaint volumes are potentially a sign that residents are unable to complain.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Our Landlord Complaints webpage.

Commentary / explanation

By simply typing the word ‘complaint’ with in the search bar of the Oxford City Council website returns the necessary webpage on complaints that residents need. We also have a Landlord Complaints webpage.

Code provision 3.4


Landlords must make their complaint policy available in a clear and accessible format for all residents. This will detail the two stage process, what will happen at each stage, and the timeframes for responding. The policy must also be published on the landlord’s website.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure

Commentary / explanation

This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. The procedure details:

  • Number of stages involved
  • What occurs at each stage
  • The timeframes of each stage

Code provision 3.5


The policy must explain how the landlord will publicise details of the complaints policy, including information about the Ombudsman and this Code.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure

Commentary / explanation

This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Section Ombudsman

Code provision 3.6


Landlords must give residents the opportunity to have a representative deal with their complaint on their behalf, and to be represented or accompanied at any meeting with the landlord.

Do we comply?




Commentary / explanation

Residents have the opportunity to have a representative deal with their complaint or to accompany them at any meeting.

Code provision 3.7


Landlords must provide residents with information on their right to access the Ombudsman service and how the individual can engage with the Ombudsman about their complaint.

Do we comply?



Our online Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure

Commentary / explanation

Contact information for the Housing Ombudsman is included in both Stage 1 and Stage 2 written responses to residents. This is defined within our Comments, Compliments and Complaints procedure. Section Ombudsman.

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